Editorial: New Developments in International Business and Economics in CEEs

The political and economic shift of early 1990s in Central and Eastern Europe countries (CEECs) initiated a fundamental process of transformation of the region's economies and firms (Galgóczi, 2002). The formerly regulated economies gradually became an integral part of the global economy (Dayan & Gorynia, 2009; Szarucki, 2013). While the unprecedented scale of change provided then a unique research setting for international business and economics scholars, there have been recent discussions about the extent to which the CEE region is still a specific business environment (Schuh & Rossmann, 2010).References
- Dayan, L., & Gorynia, M. (2009). Modes, rythmes et perspectives d’internationalisation de l’économie et des entreprises polonaises. Mondes en Développement, 37(145), 109-126.
- Galgóczi, B. (2002). Los costes sociales de la transformación en Europa Central y Oriental. Papeles del Este, 4, 1-14.
- Schuh, A., & Rossmann, A. (2010). Schwerpunkte und Trends in der betriebswirtschaftlichen Mittelund Osteuropaforschung: Ein Literaturüberblick zum Zeitraum 1990-2005. In R. Moser (Ed.), Internationale Unternehmensführung. Entscheidungsfelder und politische Aspekte (pp. 161- 204), Wiesbaden: Gabler.
- Szarucki, M. (2013). Editorial: Modern Challenges for Business and Economy in CEE Countries. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 1(4), 5-6.
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