Gender discrimination and its links with compensations and benefits practices in enterprises

Objective: The objective of the article is to determine links of gender discrimination with compensation and benefits practices, the main features of assurance of equal rights and their impact on employees’ motives that can shift economic results of the enterprises.
Research Design & Methods: For macro level analysis, we use graph and mapping method. Features of gender discrimination and its links with compensation and benefits are revealed in sociological review.
Findings: Ensuring gender equality is a difficult task for even the most developed countries of the world, as none of them has achieved full equality of sex, including in respect of labour rights. As our study shows, significant progress has been made in this area in Ukraine, as in general, gender gap and the economic equality of women keep within the EU-specific range of values. Gender discrimination is accompanied by age: 57.1% out of the 71.4% of discriminated women are aged under 35; the higher the age and gender discrimination, the smaller the wage gap. In enterprises with gender discrimination, the potential level of turnover is 71%, which is significantly higher comparing to enterprises with equal rights.
Implications & Recommendations: The obtained results should be used by trade unions and public policy makers in socio-labour agreements to reduce inequality in compensation and benefits practices.
Contribution & Value Added: We suggest the developed approach to define gender discrimination in order to determine its features in compensation and benefits policy, but also to influence business results via assurance of equal rights of employees.
compensation and benefits; discrimination; enterprises; gender; labour rights
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