Identifying and assessing complexity emergent behaviour during mega infrastructure construction in Sub-Saharan Africa Iliyasu Abdullahi, Michal K. Lemanski, Georgios Kapogiannis, Carlos Jimenez-Bescos DOI: (PDF) Save
Business model innovation and digital technology: The perspective of incumbent Italian small and medium-sized firms Andrea Sabatini, Marco Cucculelli, Gian Luca Gregori DOI: (PDF) Save
Price and output effects of long-term exchange rate changes: Central and Eastern European countries in 2002-2019 Viktor Shevchuk DOI: (PDF) Save
The success factors of family and non-family firms: Similarities and differences Robert Zajkowski, Krzysztof Safin, Elżbieta Stańczyk DOI: (PDF) Save
Taking the international route: Investigating the impact of socioemotional wealth dimensions on family firm performance via internationalisation Asma Chang, Shujaat Mubarik DOI: (PDF) Save
Identifying factors affecting entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention among Indonesian university students Sri Umi Mintarti Widjaja, Agus Wibowo, Bagus Shandy Narmaditya, Cipto Wardoyo, Ari Saptono DOI: (PDF) Save
The effect of research and development personnel on innovation activities of firms: Evidence from small and medium-sized enterprises from the Visegrad Group countries Aleksandra Zygmunt DOI: (PDF) Save
Exploring the impact of social media influencers on customers’ purchase intention: A sequential mediation model in Taiwan context Anu Kanwar, Yu-Chuan Huang DOI: (PDF) Save
The fintech transformation of banking: Governance dynamics and socio-economic outcomes in spatial contexts Marta Gancarczyk, Piotr Łasak, Jacek Gancarczyk DOI: (PDF) Save
Perception of patriotic entrepreneurship in Poland and Ukraine Łukasz Sułkowski, Grzegorz Ignatowski, Bartłomiej Stopczyński, Joanna Sułkowska DOI: (PDF) Save