Strategic Changes in Transnational Corporations as an Adjustment to the Challenges of the 21st Century

Objective: The article aims to discuss the direction of changes in the strategies of the most powerful transnational corporations (Top-TNCs) as a result of adjustments to the new challenges created by the evolving global economy – an attempt to identify the fundamental, universal pillars of the strategy the Top-TNCs.
Research Design & Methods: The paper, apart from literature review and its critique, presents the results of a survey among 252 TNCs. The author conducted in-depth studies – using the Multidimensional Statistical Analysis, the Strategic Analyses, as well as the Grounded Theory Method.
Findings: The changes in the strategies of the Top-TNCs proceeded according to a uniform scheme – the authorial Model of Business Integration was presented as the standard for TNCs adjusting to further challenges posed by the evolving global economy. Based on the survey, the author identified universal pillars of the Top-TNC strategy: glocalization, business networking, orchestration and coopetition.
Implications & Recommendations: TNCs desiring to engage in the most efficient system for creating international competitiveness should apply the following tactics: link globalization and regionalization, build a multi-level relationship system, creatively combine various types of organizational and social structures, simultaneously employ cooperation and competition.
Contribution & Value Added: The work sought to provide evidence that regardless of the area of activity, the pillars of strategy for Top-TNCs are the same in terms of the core, but are often implemented in different forms. The author proposes the original concept for assessing the competitiveness of network enterprises – the Synthetic Indicator of Creation of Added Value.
corporations, TNCs, international business, competition, competitiveness, business network
Author Biography
Magdalena Rosińska-Bukowska
University of Lodz
Faculty of Economics and Sociology
International Business and Trade Department
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