Artificial intelligence: Building a research agenda

Objective: The existing literature on artificial intelligence is reviewed with the aim of identifying interesting and novel research avenues. This leads to a focus on experiences, customisation, diversity and strategy as the main issues requiring further investigation.
Research Design & Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted on articles related to artificial intelligence and business using various databases including Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar.
Findings: Artificial intelligence is a hot topic particularly for international business managers who are incorporating technological innovation for competitive reasons. This article focuses on the link between artificial intelligence and international business in terms of future research opportunities.
Implications & Recommendations: The results of this study will help business managers and practitioners understand the main trending areas related to artificial intelligence in a business setting. It is recommended that academic researchers and policy makers consider the future research suggestions stated in the article in order to help them derive new research directions.
Contribution & Value Added: Potential research topics and questions are stated that help international business researchers and practitioners focus on key important areas. Thereby helping to consolidate the existing research but also offering new possibilities regarding the use of artificial intelligence in international business.
artificial intelligence, business model innovation, entrepreneurship, globalisation, innovation, international business, internationalisation, societal change, technology innovation
Author Biography
Vanessa Ratten
Associate Professor of entrepreneurship in the Department of Management, La Trobe Business School at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. Her research interests focus on entrepreneurship and innovation. She has over 150+ publications in peer reviewed journals, which are distinctive in the way they combine topics from different areas. Most of these publications have received international recognition for their contribution to the entrepreneurship and innovation field. She is the Editor of the Journal of Family Business Management and the Associate Editor of the Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship and the International Journal of Management Education. She has edited many special journal issues including for Marketing Intelligence & Planning, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Education & Training, Journal of Management & Organization, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Small Enterprise Research, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Thunderbird International Business Review, Journal of Enterprising Communities, the International Journal of Management Education, Strategic Change, Journal of Science & Technology Policy, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management amongst others.
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