High-Tech Export from the V4 Countries - Structure and Factors

Objective: The purpose of this article is to verify the relation between the value of high‐tech export and the value of intellectual capital assets.
Research Design & Methods: At the first stage of the study, an analysis of the value and structure of high‐tech export in the V4 countries was performed. At the second stage, the Synthetic Intellectual Capital Asset Index (ICA) was calculated using the Perkal index. At the last stage, in order to examine the relation between the value of high‐tech export and the value of intellectual capital assets, an estimation of panel models for selected variables was performed.
Findings: The results of analysis show that the value of high‐tech export from the V4 countries varies, and the V4 countries score lower in the ranking of EU countries arranged by the value of ICA is than in the ranking of EU countries arranged by the value of high‐tech export.
Implications & Recommendations: The relation between the value of high‐tech export and the value of ICA was negative for the V4 countries, but models created with the data for all EU countries showed a positive correlation. Identify the causes of such a situation could be very valuable.
Contribution & Value Added: Linking intellectual capital assets to the high‐tech export could be helpful to find the sources of the high level of exports in this sector.
export, highâ€tech, knowledgeâ€based economy, intellectual capital
Author Biography
Judyta Lubacha-Sember
PhD student at the Faculty of Economics and International Relations of Cracow University of Economics
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