Winning in Europe: International Strategies for Hungarian Professional Sports Clubs?

The objective of our research project was to identify key patterns in the international strategies of Hungarian professional sports clubs. Initially, two pilot-cases were prepared, which form the basis of additional case studies to be prepared in the later stages of the project. Content analysis was used to systematically assess the transcripts of the interviews, cross-checked with data from sports databases and corporate documentation. Analytical generalisation supports the gradual refinement of research propositions.Keywords
internationalisation, sport, strategy, case study, know-how, Hungary
Author Biography
Miklós Kozma
assistant Professor at the Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Economics and International Relations, Department of Real Estate and Investment Economics.
PhD in economics in the specialisation of real estate management (2010).
member of European Real Estate Society and American Real Estate Society.
his research focuses on real estate economics and real estate management in the public sector, especially in the area of local government.
he has published over 50 articles, book chapters and papers.
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