Note from the Editor-in-Chief

‘Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review' (EBER), as multi-disciplinary and multi-contextual journal, is dedicated to serve as a broad and unified platform for revealing and spreading economics and management research focused on entrepreneurship, individual entrepreneurs as well as particular entrepreneurial aspects of international business and international economics. It attempts to link theory and practice in different sections of economics and management by publishing various types of articles, including mainly research papers, but sometimes also conceptual papers and literature reviews. Our geographical scope of interests include Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and emerging markets, however we also welcome articles beyond this scope if they deal with our focus.
Starting from 2019 we decided not to publish thematic issues of our journal and not to divide articles into ‘Thematic Articles’ and ‘Other Articles’ sections. Currently, we decided to publish all articles on the first-come, first-served rule, regardless their topics, if they meet our aim and scope. It is worth to remind that EBER accepts the articles from the following fields:
Entrepreneurship and Business Studies, in particular entrepreneurship and innovation, strategic entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship methodology, entrepreneurial orientation and organizational behaviour, entrepre-neurial management, entrepreneurial business, management methodology, modern trends in business studies and organization theory, policies promoting entre-preneurship, innovation, R&D and SMEs, education for entrepreneurship,
International Business and Global Entrepreneurship, especially international en-trepreneurship (IE), new trends in international business (IB), IB methodology, teaching IB, international management, international marketing, global strategy, emerging markets, European business,
International Economics and Applied Economics, in particular the role of entre-preneurship and the entrepreneur in the economy, international economics including the economics of the European Union (EU) and emerging markets, as well as Europeanization, economies of the region of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), new trends in economics, economics methodology.
Currently, EBER is indexed in numerous international databases, among others our journal is on the coverage list of Scopus® (Elsevier) and EconLit® (American Economic Association), what is more we are indexed in ESCI Web of Science Core Collection® (Clarivate Analytics). EBER provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
We do hope that the articles presented in this issue will inspire further research. Moreover, we would be happy to publish the results of future studies in the upcoming issues of our Journal. We invite you to participate in our academic conversation.
On the behalf of the Editorial Board, I would like to give my special thanks to all people involved in the editorial and publishing process, first of all to all authors and reviewers, but especially copy editors and proofreaders as well as the layout editor and the DTP specialist.
Author Biography
Krzysztof Wach
Associate professor at the Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Economics and International Relations, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Habilitated doctor of economics (DEcon) within the specialisation of international entrepreneurship (2013), PhD in management within the specialisation of small business management (2006), master in international economics (MIEcon) within the specialisation of international trade (2001)
his research interests include international entrepreneurship, international business, European businesses, family firms.
visiting professor in various American and European universities, including Grand Valley State University (Grand Rapids, USA), Roosevelt University (Chicago, USA), University of Detroit Mercy (Detroit, USA), Loyola University Chicago (Chicago, USA), Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK), Technical University of Cartagena (Spain)
member of international scientific societies, including: Academy of International Business (AIB), European International Business Academy (EIBA), Strategic Management Society (SMS), International Council for Small Business (ICSB), United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities (ERENET)
the editor-in-chief of the scientific quarterly 'Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review' EBER (published by Cracow University of Economics, Poland), member of editorial boards of several scientific journals, including the bi-annual 'Business Excellence' (published by the University of Zagreb, Croatia), the quarterly 'Studia Negotia' (published by Babes-Balyai University in Cluj Napoca, Romania), the annual ‘Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja'/'Entrepreneurship - Education’ (published by Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland); the bi-annual 'Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics' JEBE (PUblished by Scientificia); the quarterly 'Horyzonty Polityki'/'Horizons of Politics' (published by Jesuit University in Krakow, Poland); .
an OECD national expert for entrepreneurship in the years 2012-2014, participant of various international education and research projects (e.g. Jean Monnet, Atlantis, International Visegrad Fund IVF, Central European Initiative CEI),
author of several books, including monographs and scholarly books, as well as practical guides for entrepreneurs and over 150 articles in the field of entrepreneurship and the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises,