Big Data Analysis as a Source of Companies’ Competitive Advantage: A Review

Objective: The main aim of the article is two-fold: firstly, to indicate the benefits to companies. which stem from the usage of Big Data Analysis (BDA), and secondly to conceptualise main general sources of competitive advantage that BDA affords.
Research Design & Methods: The method used in the article is a comprehensive literature review including theories of competitive advantage and relations existing on the Consumer-to-Business market including BDA.
Findings: The conducted research indicates the particular benefits as a result of using BDA, but also conceptualises and proposes three main general sources of competitive advantage that BDA affords. These include product quality, risk reduction, and a customer relationships advantage.
Implications & Recommendations: The results have practical implications as they identify the importance and a possible application of BDA for companies from different industries. If one wants to achieve a competitive advantage, then BDA constitutes an important potential solution. However, a certain level of managerial awareness is required first in order to implement such a solution. The awareness of particular benefits which have already been achieved by competitors in the same industry by applying BDA may be an important trigger for a company to consider implementing their own BDA.
Contribution & Value Added: The originality of the article stems from the comprehensive analysis of benefits of BDA resulting in the conceptualisation of Big Data-driven competitive advantage.
Big Data Analysis, Consumer-to-Business, competitive advantage
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